Uncategorized – THATCamp AHA Denver 2017 http://ahadenver2017.thatcamp.org Mon, 09 Jan 2017 03:22:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.12 http://ahadenver2017.thatcamp.org/2017/01/09/274/ Mon, 09 Jan 2017 03:22:08 +0000 http://ahadenver2017.thatcamp.org/?p=274


Here are a few links to tools/projects mentioned in the lightning round and a few from the data and visualization and mapping sessions. Thanks so much for a wonderful experience and we hope to see you again!

Digital Accessibility Resources PowerPoint http://ahadenver2017.thatcamp.org/2017/01/05/digital-accessibility-resources-powerpoint/ Thu, 05 Jan 2017 14:31:28 +0000 http://ahadenver2017.thatcamp.org/?p=268

Stephanie Robbins gave a fantastic presentation on Digital Accessibility Resources at THATCamp AHA Denver 2017. You can find a link to her PowerPoint below and a list of resources under the digital accessibility tab.

THAT Camp Digital Accessibility Presentation

THATCamp AHA Denver 2017 Misc Links http://ahadenver2017.thatcamp.org/2017/01/05/thatcamp-aha-denver-2017-misc-links/ Thu, 05 Jan 2017 14:31:19 +0000 http://ahadenver2017.thatcamp.org/?p=271

Hi all, below is a link to a collection of interesting sites and information used at THAT Camp AHA Denver 2017. Enjoy!


Open Source Resources http://ahadenver2017.thatcamp.org/2017/01/04/open-source-resources/ Wed, 04 Jan 2017 20:09:53 +0000 http://ahadenver2017.thatcamp.org/?p=262

Below you’ll find a link to a document created by members of THAT Camp AHA 2017 on open-source resources.


Talk and then Make: Teaching with Big Data http://ahadenver2017.thatcamp.org/2017/01/03/talk-and-then-make-teaching-with-big-data/ Tue, 03 Jan 2017 22:37:17 +0000 http://ahadenver2017.thatcamp.org/?p=248 Continue reading ]]>

This session will ask participants to engage with the concept of big data and how we can help our students better grasp the enormity of the data behind many of the projects/apps/websites they interface with every day either in the classroom or as public citizens.

When we talk, we’ll look at two to four digital projects and popular social media platforms to discuss the big data behind these pretty looking platforms. What are the consequences of big data’s use for historical analysis, historical consumption, privacy and other aspects? Are those consequences different for us and for our students?

After talking, we’ll make. How can we put what we came up with into student facing language? Can we create a lesson plan, activity, clearinghouse or website that deals with it in a way that will engage our students?

Preplanned Sessions http://ahadenver2017.thatcamp.org/2016/12/23/preplanned-sessions/ Fri, 23 Dec 2016 19:42:50 +0000 http://ahadenver2017.thatcamp.org/?p=222 Continue reading ]]>

Twelve days until THATCamp AHA Denver 2017! As we gear up for the (un)conference, the schedule is starting to take shape. While there will be plenty of space for nominated presentations (propose!), there are two preplanned sessions.

The first, led by UC-Denver’s Stephanie Robbins, examines digital accessibility and ways to improve access to digital and web based tools for people with disabilities. Stephanie provided a series of links under the Digital Accessibility Resources.

The second is on digital mapping and will be facilitated by Angela Cunningham and Samuel Smith from CU-Boulder. Those interested in attending this session are encouraged to bring a laptop that already has Google Earth installed and have access to a non-institutional Google account. Here’s a link to the session’s handout, but please don’t feel obligated to study it before the (un)conference as it will serve as the outline for the session.

Looking forward to seeing everyone there!

Registration Reaching Cap http://ahadenver2017.thatcamp.org/2016/12/22/registration-reaching-cap/ Thu, 22 Dec 2016 15:08:22 +0000 http://ahadenver2017.thatcamp.org/?p=218

While we would love to accommodate everyone who wishes to attend, due to space concerns registration will be capped at 100. As of December 22, current registration sits at 73. Register today to reserve your spot!

Already have a THATCamp account?

If you've attended a THATCamp in the past, you probably already have an account on thatcamp.org. Log in and we'll pre-fill your profile information for you.

Personal Information

Please note that the following information from your profile may be publicly displayed on this website: your name, biography, field of study, title, institutional affiliation, website, and Twitter handle. No other information will be publicly displayed.

Tell us a little about yourself.

Example: thatcamp.org

Example: @thatcamp

Examples: Assistant Professor, Instructional Technologist, Archivist, Software Engineer, Graduate student

Examples: George Mason University, New York Public Library, Automattic

I consider my technology skill level to be:

If you have dietary, language, spatial, accessibility, or other needs, please describe them here. We will make every effort to accommodate you.


Announcing THATCamp AHA Denver 2017 http://ahadenver2017.thatcamp.org/2012/09/27/hello-world/ Thu, 27 Sep 2012 20:59:40 +0000 http://ahadenver2017.thatcamp.org/?p=1 Continue reading ]]>


We’re very pleased to announce the seventh annual THATCamp AHA. Starting in Chicago in 2012 we have had a THATCamp at our annual meeting every year, and this year is no different. This edition will be held on January 4, 2017, the day before the start of the AHA Annual meeting, at the University of Colorado Denver. We’re very thankful for the sponsorship of the College of Liberal Arts and Science at the University of Colorado Denver, the Division of Student Affairs at the University of Colorado Denver, and the Office of Academic of the University of Colorado System.

You don’t have to be attending the AHA annual meeting to come to THATCamp. It is free and open to all, but if you are coming please think about attending. You can find out more about the meeting, check out the program, and get details about travel on the AHA website.

We will be opening THATCamp registration very soon, so watch this space. If you’ve never been to a THATCamp you can read more about the THATCamp movement at thatcamp.org.
